Winter semester 2021/2022
Teaching Cooperation between TU Darmstadt's and h_da's Department of Computer Science
Since summer semester 2010 both departments open some courses for students from the other institution. The cooperation applies to courses offered within M.Sc. IT Security at TU Darmstadt and M.Sc. Computer Science, specialisation IT Security, at h_da.
Information about the course schedule for lectures of h_da are available from the following link:
Registration for the h_da courses via the following link:
User: LectureRegistration
Password: #P6E1E7I*I@uRxE2
Registration period: Monday, 04.10.2021, 10:00 CEST until Monday, 18.10.2021, 23:00 CEST
Students from TU Darmstadt will be informed about admission via email before the first occurence. Failure to attend the first lecture will lead to the place being assigned to another student.