CYSEC researcher speaks at the Cloud Security Alliance Congress 2015
Dr. Sheikh M. Habib is invited to speak at conference in Guangzhou, China
Dr. Habib gives an invited talk on “Security Quantification for Cloud Adoption: concepts and approaches” under Track 3 (Case Studies and Deployed Technical Solutions). The talk will provide an overview on the recent cloud adoption patterns, barriers behind adopting the cloud services for business, and case studies regarding cloud security quantification that aim to support and accelerate cloud adoption.
The 3rd Cloud Security Alliance Asia Pacific (CSA APAC) is held on 2 and 3 December 2015 at Guangzhou, China. CSA APAC hosts presentations and discussions about research, development, practice and trends related to cloud security. Attendees represent end-user, research and industry viewpoints. The detailed agenda of the congress . can be found here