CROSSING Collaboration Award 2019 goes to …
For their excellent internal collaborative work on a secret-sharing long-term secure distributed storage system five CROSSING researchers were awarded with the CROSSING Collaborative Award.

This year’s CROSSING Collaborative Award goes to Ghada Dessouky, Tommaso Frasseto, Ágnes Kiss, Giulia Traverso, and Shaza Zeitouni for their collaborate paper with the topic “Safe: A Secure and Efficient Long-Term Distributed Storage System”. The researchers present a secret-sharing long-term secure distributed storage system that leverages a Trusted Execution Environment. This is needed because long-term secure storage of sensitive data cannot rely on current encryption, especially when the storage service is hosted by third-party computing providers.
The CROSSING Collaboration Award is presented for excellent internal collaborative work and outstanding progress in research collaborations within CROSSING and is awarded annually by the CROSSING directorate. Dessouky, Frasseto, Kiss, Traverso, and Zeitouni of the CROSSING projects , P3 , E4 , and S2 received their trophy and certificates from CROSSING spokesman Prof. Johannes Buchmann on September 10, 2019. Moreover, all winners receive funds for conference or workshop participation (travel, accommodation, conference fee), freely selectable by the price winners. S6
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