Papers accepted at top conference CHI'20
Success for CYSEC and CROSSING researchers

The following two papers were accepted for publication at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20):
All in One! User Perceptions on Centralized IoT Privacy Settings.
by Karola Marky, Verena Zimmermann, Alina Stöver, Philipp Hoffmann, Kai Kunze, and Max Mühlhäuser
Improving the Usability and UX of the Swiss Internet Voting Interface
by Max Mühlhäuser, Karola Marky, Verena Zimmermann, Markus Funk, Jörg Daubert, Kira Bleck
3D-Auth: Two-Factor Authentication with Personalized 3D-Printed Items
by Max Mühlhäuser, Karola Marky, Martin Schmitz, Verena Zimmermann, Martin Herbers, Kai Kunze
The is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction and will take place in Honolulu, Hawai'i, United States of America from April 25 to 30, 2020. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2020