Four papers accepted at top conference USENIX 2021
Success for CYSEC and CROSSING researchers

The papers
- CURE: A Security Architecture with CUstomizable and Resilient Enclaves
by Raad Bahmani, Ferdinand Brasser, Ghada Dessouky, Patrick Jauernig, Matthias Klimmek, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Emmanuel Stapf - Effective Notification Campaigns on the Web: A Matter of Trust, Framing, and Support
by Max Maass, Alina Stöver, Henning Pridöhl, Sebastian Bretthauer, Dominik Herrmann, Matthias Hollick, and Indra Spiecker - PrivateDrop: Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Apple AirDrop
by Alexander Heinrich, Matthias Hollick, ThomasSchneider, Milan Stute, and Christian Weinert
- ABY2.0: Improved mixed-protocol secure two-party computation
by Arpita Patra, Thomas Schneider, Ajith Suresh, and Hossein Yalame
(this is a collaboration between the at TU Darmstadt and the ENCRYPTO group at IISc Bangalore, India) Cryptography and Information Security (CrIS) Lab
have been accepted for publication at the top conference USENIX 2021.