2 papers accepted at top conference ESORICS 2021


Success for CYSEC and CROSSING researchers

The 2 papers

  • Cache-Side-Channel Quantification and Mitigation for Quantum Cryptography
    by Alexandra Weber, Oleg Nikiforov, Alexander Sauer, Johannes Schickel, Gernot Alber, Heiko Mantel, and Thomas Walther
  • Multipath TLS 1.3
    by Marc Fischlin, Sven-Andre Müller, Jean-Pierre Münch, and Lars Porth

have been accepted for publication at the top conference ESORICS 2021.


The 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) will be held in Darmstadt, Germany from October 4 to 8, 2021. General Chair of the ESORICS conference is CROSSING-PI Prof. Michael Waidner.

CROSSING-PI Dr. Haya Shulman is Program Committee Chair of ESORICS, Dr. Juliane Krämer and Prof. Mira Mezini are members of the Program Committee. Dr. Juliane Krämer is also a member of the Posters program committee.