3 papers accepted at top conference ACM CSCW 2021
Success for CYSEC researchers

The 3 papers
Digital Privacy Perceptions of Asylum Seekers in Germany: An Empirical Study about Smartphone Usage during the Flight
by Michelle Mende, Lilian Reichert, Christian Reuter, and Enno Steinbrink
Stronger Together: How Neighborhood Groups Build up a Virtual Network during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Steffen Haesler, Christian Reuter, Stefka Schmid, and Annemike Sophia Vierneisel
The Impact of Organizational Structure and Technology Use on Collaborative Practices in Computer Emergency Response Teams: An Empirical Study
by Marc-André Kaufhold, Thea Riebe, and Christian Reuter
and the 2 posters
- Bridging from Crisis to Everyday Life – An Analysis of User Reviews of the Warning App NINA and the COVID-19 Regulation Apps CoroBuddy and DarfIchDas (by Jasmin Haunschild and Christian Reuter)
- Connected Self-Organized Citizens in Crises: An Interdisciplinary Resilience Concept for Neighborhoods (by Steffen Haesler, Ragnar Mogk, Florentin Putz, Kevin Logan, Nadja Thiessen, Katharina Kleinschnitger, Lars Baumgärtner, Jan-Philipp Stroscher, Christian Reuter, Michéle Knodt, and Matthias Hollick)
has been accepted for publication at the top conference ACM CSCW 2021.
The 24th will be held from October 23 to October 27, 2021, as an all-digital conference. ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)