The research project IUNO is Germany’s national reference project for IT security in Industry 4.0. Its goal is to identify threats and risks for the smart factory, develop counter measures, and implement corresponding solutions on the example of four use cases that are representative for the Industry 4.0. In this context IUNO will develop solutions for IT security challenges that are applicable universally in the manufacturing industry and make them publicly available for companies. The tested and transferable IT security solutions will be integrated into a tool box and can be used as a „blueprint“ for the secure Industry 4.0. Especially small and medium-sized companies still shy away from digitizing their production processes as they fear unforeseeable economic risks. Based on the solutions developed by IUNO they can capitalize on the chances of the digital transformation. IUNO is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and unites 21 partners from industry and academia.
The focus lies on the four following issues: „Secure Processes“, „Secure Data“, „Secure Services“, and „Secure Networks“. IUNO considers each of these issues within an exemplary use case that constitutes a solution for the respective issue. Together, these use cases constitute a representative picture of the challenges that comes with the digitalization of the manufacturing industry. The results of the four use cases “customized production”; “marketplace for technology data”, “web platform for remote maintenance” and “visual security control center” are presented using demonstrators that reflect real Industry 4.0 scenarios that are relevant to the manufacturing industry as well as suppliers of manufacturing equipment.