Young researchers are finalists of „CAST Förderpreis IT-Security 2015“


Ágnes Kiss (5th from left) and Victoria Fehr (3rd from right) © CAST e.V.

Success for two female CYSEC researchers

Two CYSEC members are finalists at the „CAST Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit“ (promotion prize for IT security):

Victoria Fehr, Cryptoplexity Group, TU Darmstadt

Sanitizable Signcryption – Sanitizable Signatures on Encrypted Data

Ágnes Kiss, Engineering Cryptographic Protocols (ENCRYPTO), TU Darmstadt / TU Berlin

Testing Self-Secure Exponentiation Countermeasures Against the Bellcore Attack

The Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST e. V.) in Darmstadt supports young academics in Germany working in the field of IT security. The „CAST Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit“ (promotion prize for IT security) has been awarded for 15 years now. The ten best submissions were selected as finalists and will present their works on 26th, November, 2015 in Darmstadt.

More information on the event can found on the website of CAST e. V.


Both Victoria Fehr and Ágnes Kiss were successful. Congratulations!