Two papers by DEEDS group accepted


CYSEC researchers published at AsiaCCS 2016 and in ACM Computing Surveys

The paper „Identifying and Utilizing Dependencies Across Cloud Security Services“ by A. Taha, P. Metzler, R. Trapero, J. Luna and N. Suriwas accepted at 11th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2016).

The paper „On Choosing Server- or Client-Side Solutions for BFT“ by M. Platania, D. Obenshain, T. Tantillo, Y. Amir and N. Suri was published in the journal ACM Computing Surveys.

The Dependable, Embedded Systems and Software (DEEDS) group is led by Prof. Neeraj Suri. The group conducts systems research focusing on „Trustworthiness“ i.e., the provisioning of „Dependable & Secure“ Distributed Middleware and Services.