CYSEC researchers from SECUSO successful at several scientific events
Papers accepted at INFORMATIK 2016, IFIP Summerschool 2016, and ARES 2016

CYSEC researchers from SECUSO will present papers at the following events:
- Alexandra Kunz, Melanie Volkamer, Simon Stockhardt, Sven Palberg, Tessa Lottermann and Eric Piegerta: „NoPhish – Evaluation of a web application that teaches people being aware of phishing attacks“ at of INFORMATIK 2016 – 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik in Klagenfurt, Austria Nutzerzentrierte Sicherheit – NzS 2016
- Michael El Hanafi, Jurlind Budurushi, Benjamin Reinheimer and Melanie Volkamer: „Users’ attitude on personal data disclosure and privacy friendly decision making“ at 11th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management () in Karlstad, Värmland, Sweden IFIP Summerschool
- Oksana Kulyk, Karola Marky, Stephan Neumann and Melanie Volkamer: „Introducing Proxy Voting to Helios“ at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security () in Salzburg, Austria ARES 2016
Furthermore, the article „SecIVo: a quantitative security evaluation framework for internet voting schemes“ by Stephan Neumann, Melanie Volkamer, Jurlind Budurushi and Marco Prandini has been published in the journal . Annals of Telecommunications