CYSEC researcher organizes Conference for Electronic Voting
Prof. Melanie Volkamer is Co-Organizer of E-VOTE-ID 2016

Prof. Melanie Volkamer, professor at the SECUSO research group at TU Darmstadt and Karlstad University, Sweden, is co-organizing the International Conference for Electronic Voting () 2016. E-VOTE-ID
The conference is one of the leading international events for e-voting experts from all over the world. E-VOTE-ID is an annual meeting formed by merging EVOTE and VoteID conferences. The first joint conference, which will be the twelfth meeting, will be held in Bregenz, Austria, on October 18-21, 2016. One of its major objectives is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and open discussion of all issues relating to electronic voting. Cumulatively, since 2004 more than 750 experts from 35+ countries on six continents have attended this conference to discuss electronic voting and related topics.
The aim of the conference is to bring together e-voting specialists working in academia, politics, government and industry in order to discuss various aspects of all forms of electronic voting (including, but not limited, to polling stations, kiosks, ballot scanners and remote voting by electronic means) in three conference tracks and a PhD colloquium.