CYSEC-PI Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser is Chair of S-CI 2017


First Workshop on Securing Critical Infrastructures

Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser

Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser was the program chair of the first S-CI workshop. The workshop aims to bring together viewpoints from diverse CI’s to explore the commonalities of security problems and solutions for advancing the collective science and practice of CI security protection.


Critical Infrastructures (Communication, Transportation, Banking, e-Commerce, Utilities etc) increasingly and inextricably depend on IT-technologies to provide for both functionality and efficiency. However, the cost of the IT-reliance is the consequent exposure of the Critical Infrastructure (CI) to IT-based security vulnerabilities. The state of the practice often has different CI’s developing customized security solutions to meet their specific needs. While this is judicious, the CI’s can benefit from sharing approaches to intrusion detection, threat classification, diagnostics, mitigation schema, security architectures and many others.

More Information

The S-CI Workshop was organized by the CIPSEC (Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity framework) project that is funded by the European Union's H2020 program.

The S-CI Workshop was held held on August 29, 2017, in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2017, held at ARES 2017 in Reggio Calabria, Italy.