New Claude Shannon Fellow: Jean Paul Degabriele
Jean Paul obtained his PhD in Information Security in 2014 from Royal Holloway and later held postdoctoral positions at TU Darmstadt, Royal Holloway, and the University of Maryland.

Prior to that, he worked at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol and in the banking sector in Greece. He is originally from Malta, where he grew up and graduated in Electrical Engineering.
Jean Paul's research interests range between applied cryptography and network security. In the past he has worked on the security analysis of protocols like IPsec, EMV, SSH, and Tor, bringing security models closer to practice, symmetric cryptography, and securing cryptography against mass surveillance. His co-authored paper 'A Surfeit of SSH Cipher Suites' was the recipient of a Best Paper Award at ACM CCS 2016. As part of his fellowship, he intends to pursue research on security technologies that help preserve privacy and freedom over the Internet.
In addition, he is also interested in cryptographic schemes that protect against side channels and the use of randomness in cryptography.