10th anniversary of COSADE workshop in Darmstadt
First edition of the workshop on side-channel attacks took place 2010 and was organized by TU Darmstadt
The tenth International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE) took place from April 3 to 5 at Technische Universität Darmstadt. The workshop was organized by CYSEC-PI Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser.

Side-channel analysis (SCA) and implementation attacks have become an important field of research at universities and in the industry. In order to enhance the resistance of cryptographic and security critical implementations within the design phase, constructive attacks and analysing techniques may serve as a quality metric to optimize the design and development process. COSADE provides an international platform for researchers, academics, and industry participants to present their work and their current research topics. It is an excellent opportunity to exchange on new results with international experts and to initiate new collaborations and information exchange at a professional level. The workshop features both invited presentations and contributed talks.
COSADE 2019 had two keynotes, “RowHammer and Beyond” by Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich) and “Towards High-Level Approaches to Hardware Cyber Security” by Ramesh Karri (New York University).
10th anniversary
In 2010, the first edition of COSADE was organized by the then newly founded research center CASED (Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt). It was the first conference organized by this research center. Back then, Prof. Sorin Huss was Generak Chair, who also held a speech at the conference dinner on April 4, 2019.
The next COSADE workshop will be held in Lugano in April 2020.
Please find more information on the workshop’s website: https://www.cosade.org