2 papers accepted at top conference ASIACRYPT 2020

Success for CYSEC and CROSSING researchers


The papers

Security Reductions for White-Box Key-Storage in Mobile Payments
by Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Chris Brzuska, Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson, and Wil Michiels
(This paper is a collaboration with researchers from Aalto University, Finland; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven and NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands.)

Fuzzy Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange
by Andreas Erwig, Julia Hesse, Maximilian Orlt, and Siavash Riahi

have been accepted for publication at the top conference ASIACRYPT 2020.

The 26th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT) will take place in Daejeon, Korea from December 6-10, 2020.