Daniel Günther in the Finals for CAST IT Security Award 2020
Presentation and award ceremony on November 25, 2020

CYSEC and CROSSING researcher is among the four finalists for the CAST-Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit 2020 (CAST IT Security Award 2020) with his Master thesis “Optimizing Private Information Retrieval for Compromised Credential Checking”. He wrote his thesis in the ENCRYPTO group at TU Darmstadt supervised by Prof. Thomas Schneider and externally by Prof. Benny Pinkas from Bar Ilan University in Rabat Gan, Israel. Two years ago, Daniel Günther earned the first place of the CAST IT Security Award 2018 with his Bachelor thesis “Valiant’s Universal Circuit – Towards a Modular Construction and Implementation”. The results were published at Daniel Günther (opens in new tab). ASIACRYPT’17
The presentations of the finalists will take place on November 25, 2020. We are looking very forward to see many of you attending the talks and the award ceremony!