Paper accepted at top conference CHES 2021
Success for CYSEC and CROSSING researchers

The paper
- Masking in Fine-Grained Leakage Models: Construction, Implementation and Verification
by Gilles Barthe, Marc Gourjon, Benjamin Gregoire, Maximilian Orlt, Clara Paglialonga, and Lars Porth
has been accepted for publication at the top conference CHES 2021.
CHES 2021
The is the premier venue for research on design and analysis of cryptographic hardware and software implementations. CHES is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES)
CHES 2021 will take place in Beijing, China on September 12-15, 2021. This date is tentative and depends on the development of the COVID-19 situation.