Special issue of BIT guest-edited by CROSSING-PI Prof. Christian Reuter
Focus on Usable Security and Privacy
09.06.2022 von Daniela Fleckenstein
CROSSING-PI Prof. Christian Reuter together with Alexander Benlian (both TU Darmstadt) and Luigi Lo Iacono (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg) guest-edited a special issue of the journal Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT). The articles center around the topic of „Usable Security and Privacy with User-Centered Interventions and Transparency Mechanisms“.

A new special issue of , co-edited by CROSSING-PI Behaviour & Information Technology (research group PEASEC, TU Darmstadt), provides an overview of recent contributions to research on usable security and privacy, focusing on user-centric interventions and transparency mechanisms. With respect to such user-centric interventions, the concepts and tools presented in the issue particularly consider the aspects of transparency and tailorability. Difficulties and challenges arising from the various requirements of different application contexts and end-user groups are addressed through a number of technical and conceptual approaches. professor Christian Reuter
In addressing the needs of users while at the same time presenting user-friendly ways for behavior that enhances privacy and security, the authors of the six featured articles have covered a variety of topics, ranging from (1) data privacy concerns in the era of COVID-19, (2) authentication on mobile devices, (3) GDPR-compliant data management, (4) privacy notices on websites, (5) data disclosure scenarios in agriculture, to (6) data privacy rights and the specific procedure when data subjects want to claim these rights. An can be found on the website of professor Reuter's research group PEASEC. overview of the articles
Behaviour & Information Technology
is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on research on usability and user experience, human centred interaction, human-centred and user-centred design, and human aspects of the digital world, published by Taylor & Francis, with an Impact Factor of 3.086 and listed as top publication on the Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT). HCI Google Scholar list