Prof. Peter Buxmann gives talk at Hamburger IT-Strategietage 2016


CYSEC PI presents his study „Management der digitalen Transformation“

Prof. Peter Buxmann gave a talk at the Hamburger IT-Strategietage (IT strategy days), presenting his study about management of the digital transformation. In 2015, he conducted 40 interviews with CEOs and other leading positions from startups. companies and universities. The topics were digitalisation projects and programmes, opportunities and risks of the digital transformation as well as the security risks of Cloud and Mobile Computing.

The 14th IT-Strategietage took place in Hamburg from February 18-19, 2016. It's Germany's biggest IT management conference.

More Information

You can download the slides of Prof. Buxmann's talk here: [PDF (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) ].